SUMMER SCHOOL “Intensive Course On Diversity Management” At The Vytautas Magnus University Of Kaunas

With the co-financement of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme – ERASMUS - Intensive Programme (IP)

Call for application is open for the second edition of the Erasmus Intensive Programme on Diversity Managment which will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, from July 10th to July 23rd, 2012.

The course is designed for 35 students and 15 teachers coming from 5 different European universities.

The overall aim of the course…

It is centered around the globalization of the overall economic status and the distribution of worldwide organizations carried another turn into the idea, in that management of diversity need not exclusively allude to the variety of the workforce in a nation yet to the synthesis of workforce crosswise over nations.


It alludes to authoritative activities that intend to advance more noteworthy incorporation of workers from various foundations into an association’s framework via explicit approaches and projects. Associations are receiving management of diversity methodologies as a reaction to the developing variety of working labor across the globe.


Headways in innovation currently enable organizations to contract and oversee workers from across the globe and in various time frames. Organizations are structuring explicit projects and arrangements to improve representative consideration, advancement, and maintenance of workers who are from various foundations and societies. The projects and approaches are intended to make an inviting situation for gatherings that needed access to work and progressively rewarding employment previously.


Various Sorts:

The underlying is the different kinds of managing diversity:



It points to dealing with a labor force that includes residents or foreigners in a solitary national setting. The variety procedures center around giving business chances to minor gatherings or late workers. See here, for instance, a French organization might actualize approaches and projects with the point of enhancing affect ability and giving work to minor ethnic gatherings in the nation.



It alludes to dealing with a labor force that involves subjects from various nations. It might include workers from various nations who are looking for business. A model is a US related organization with offices in China, Korea, and Canada. The organization will build up diversified projects and strategies that can be applied in its US home office and abroad workplaces. The primary test of this type is that the actual organization needs to think about the authoritative and social laws in the hosting nations it works in, contingent upon where the representatives reside.