Guida ai paesi dell’Europa centrale orientale e balcanica

A single volume written entirely by Italians on Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans, this yearbook is an essential source of consultation, clear and concise, written by leading experts in the field. It includes 24 country sections, from Russia to Turkey, as well as Greece, Cyprus and the European republics of the former Soviet Union, which describe the major political and economic features of each country as well its international relations, and in addition provides a chronology of the most important events.

Eastern parts of Europe is an area that envelops various societies, ethnicities, dialects, and historic elements. Gathering these nations within a solitary assignment can at times be hazardous; specialists, researchers, and those residing there name sections of the area as per fluctuating arrangements of criteria, and warmed discussions have been known to emit when a gathering has experienced that a specific nation has not been categorized properly. Notwithstanding, it’s critical to perceiving that the nations comprehensively delegated being a piece of Eastern area of Europe have a common aspect; they were the ones that initiated the Iron Curtain prior to its fall, and this limit of the previous century encourages us to characterize a district whose advancement, particularly till the 1990s, has been altogether varying from the Western part of Europe.

It’s reasonable for a few nations whose national personalities were so quelled in the tyrant routines; to feel sick of being partnered with an aspect that they think is obsolete and which unjustifiably connects them with different nations from whom they would preferably separate themselves. In any case, it’s a great post to read, in all actuality Eastern part of Europe and the sub-locales is a social, geological, and historic spot, and this area commands the district while recognizing the distinctions of every sub-area and every country inside that sub-locale.

The essays preceding the country sections analyze the causes, evolution and consequences of the international financial-economic crisis which hit the region extremely hard, with significant social and political as well as economic repercussions. The worrying developments assumed by the context in terms of the prospects and stability of global and national financial systems make this yearbook even more important and useful.The Guide is thus a work providing information and critical analysis which, year after year since 1998, updates readers in the form of an essential and basic tool for all those who desire or need, for purposes of work or simple interest, to know the major developments in this part of Europe.