PECOB calls for papers!

Interested contributors may deal with any topic focusing on the political, economic, historical, social or cultural aspects of a specific country or region covered by PECOB.

Read on to know the best Tips for providing a good scientific proposal:

  1. Selection of the subject: Select an interesting subject. It should be something innovative. If it is related to the need of the hour then it will be appreciated more. Hence ensure that your proposal relates to meeting utility.
  2. Be practical: Practicability is very important in creating a successful scientific proposal. When your proposal is very attractive and related to the latest technology and does not have feasibility, it would be a failed proposal.
  3. Be precise: Do not make your proposal very lengthy. But precision should not be at the cost of clarity. With the existing content, the audience should be able to find more info.
  4. Plan your proposal layout: Your proposal layout must be well-planned. A proposal without proper planning would look clumsy. Ensure that the structure of the proposal flows neatly without any deviation.
  5. Exclude simplicity: You need not break down all minute details and try to make the proposal very simple. Since the target audience level is complex, you can make the proposal rich.
  6. Illustrate: Include more illustrations. The more you substantiate using real-life examples, experiments and statistics, the proposal will be more catchy.
  7. Critical Review: After you complete the proposal, get a critical review from a few of your friends.
  8. Follow the instructions: Whenever you are submitting scientific proposals for specific needs, check with the source to which you are going to submit the proposal. Make sure you follow all the instructions. Especially make sure you meet all the eligibility criteria. Important requirements like copyright compliance have to be met correctly.
  9. Proofread: Once the rough draft and critical review are complete, make the corrections and prepare the final review. Proofread the proposal and make the necessary rectifications. Once the proposal is perfectly ready, you can proceed with the submission process.


Following all the above steps will ensure that you prepare an attractive proposal.

Potential contributors must submit a short abstract (200-300 words) and the full text, which can be in English as well as any language from the countries covered by PECOB.

Upcoming deadlines for submitting proposals are:

January 31st, 2011
June 30th, 2011
November 30th, 2011