Submit an Article or a Book Review to Southeastern Europe!

We are particularly interested in contributions from a range of contexts and perspectives – political science, history, sociology, law, anthropology, cultural studies – which deal with the region from a national, regional or international perspective.

Articles should begin with an abstract, include up to eight keywords, and should not normally exceed 9,000 words.Book Reviews (800-1,000 words) can also be broadened into Review Essays (2,000 words) from the comparison of two or more books on the same topic or from the same author.

Points to be considered while submitting an article:

  1. Title: Give an attractive good title. The title should reflect the sum total of the article.
  2. 2. Language: Use clear and simple language.
  3. Presentation: Present the article in a neat manner. It should be neatly typed. A clumsy presentation will spoil the total outlook of the article. Ensure that the flow of the language is smooth.
  4. Good format: Present it in a convenient format. Include appropriate references. Ensure you present the correct facts. Mention sources while presenting statistical data. If necessary include pictorial representation like graphs. That will make your article very understandable. Pictorial representation invokes the interest of the viewer. If you are looking for the best tips for making a catchy article, see it here.
  5. Cover letter: An article must be submitted with a cover letter. It is enough to mention in the cover letter that you are submitting an article. Do not waste time giving the inputs once again in the cover letter. The viewer will refer directly to your article for knowing the details.
  6. Don’t: Do not have a closed-minded setup. Be open for rejections. When there are suggestions for improvement, accept them. If you differ, politely explain the reasons.

Also, when you submit an article, do not expect the outcome on the very next day. One has to understand that there will be many such entries. Hence give reasonable time for the viewer to get back to you.

  1. Avoid procrastination: When submitting an article, do not postpone things. You might think that you have enough time to complete everything. But practically you need lots of time to complete the article neatly. So postponing things will result in rushing up. Thus, the end product will be bad in shape.
  2. Avoid plagiarism: Plagiarism will hamper your opportunities and growth. Totally avoid plagiarism. It will create a bad impression and spoil your prospects.

Any manuscript submitted for publication on Southeastern Europe must comply with the Instructions for Authors(LINK: For information about subscription orders, visit the Brill’s website (LINK: