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Home Education CEI International Summer School CEI International Summer School

CEI International Summer School

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CEI International Summer School

Since 1995, with the collaboration of IECOB and ERMA, the Central European Initiative (CEI) has hosted a Summer School for the students of the ERMA program at the University of Sarajevo. This Summer School, which focuses on a different topic and set of issues each year, provides students with the opportunity to learn from top professors on Central and Eastern Europe from around the world while they work on their Masters theses. The CEI International Summer School, currently entitled "Beyond Enlargement. The Wider Europe and the New Neighborhood" takes place annually during the first weeks of September.

Until 2003, the Summer School’s 9th year of operation, the School was entitled “Post-Communist Transition and European Integration Processes". In 2004, it was changed to the current title as a reaction to the enlargement of the EU to include ten Eastern European countries in 2004. Seven of these ten countries belong to the area defined by CEI that represents the final state of the post-communist transition in this region.

Recent EU policies regarding “Greater Europe and the New Neighbourhood” create space for new dialogue between CEI and the EU in terms of strategic goals and development. The significance of these constantly-evolving circumstances and opportunities is always under consideration as the organizers determine the theme of the conference and select its participants

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