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Home Education PhD Programmes PhD Programme in "Diversity Management and Governance" - Report at the end of the academic year
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PhD in Diversity Management and Governance

Report at the end of the Academic Year

On December 1st, 2nd, and 3rd the second series of seminars for the PhD in Diversity Management and Governance continued in Faenza. As in the first round held in November, the three days focused respectively on the themes of gender, ethnicity, and generations. This cycle was characterised by the presence of guest lecturers, with the PhD Board in the role of discussants. On this occasion, 1st generation students also formalised the transition to the second year.

As usual, the inter-disciplinary seminars touched several aspects of diversity management under a variety of perspectives and case studies. Classes started with the visit by Rosa Amorevole, Councillor for Equal Opportunities of the Region Emilia Romagna. During the meeting, students had the opportunity to learn about the Councillor’s work and functions as well as to discuss the relevance of gender to their own research projects. During the second day, the presentations by sociologist Maura de Bernart and political scientist Agata Dziewulska focused on conflict and post-conflict management in multi-ethnic contexts, paying attention to both theoretical perspectives and empirical case studies. On the final day of seminars, anthropologist Bruno Riccio presented and led a discussion about second generation migrants and broader socio-anthropological perspectives on generations.


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 December 2023 12:13  


PECOB's call for papers

The Scientific Board of PECOB announces an open call for papers to be published with ISSN 2038-632X

Interested contributors may deal with any topic focusing on the political, economic, historical, social or cultural aspects of a specific country or region covered by PECOB.

Potential contributors must submit a short abstract (200-300 words) and the full text, which can be in English as well as any language from the countries covered by PECOB.

Upcoming deadlines for submitting proposals are:

January 31st, 2011
June 30th, 2011
November 30th, 2011

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